Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Colorado Beer Trip – Great Hotel

Okay, no beer highlights here, just wanted to comment on our first night’s hotel. The Downtown Omaha EconoLodge is in a great location and was a great price. I’m thinking this was more of an extended stay hotel than anything else. It seemed like some people had gotten pretty comfortable there. But on that note, we too were comfortable. I love me a King-sized bed and it was comfy. I am wondering however, if they got their furniture from the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas. Now let’s get this straight, this EconoLodge (and none others that I know of) does not have an Asian theme, but I am pretty sure that this is the exact same bed and chest of drawers that we had in our room during my bachelor party in Vegas.

I was also very surprised and pleased that before we arrived, they somehow seemed to secure my Grandpa’s recliner and place it in our room before we got there. I thought that was a nice personal touch. Finally, It was very convenient to have the coffee maker within arms reach of the toilet. This was especially helpful when we woke up late and needed to get on the road. It was nice to be able to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. This place also included free breakfast which is always a plus. We were able to fill up on frosted flakes, yogurt, various juices and a banana all while listing to two old guys passing a cell phone back and forth trying to direct a third to their current location. Pretty hilarious, especially when you're dealing with two cities in two States separated by a river.

Only seven hours to Fort Collins, on the road again…


Kris said...

Perspective: Be glad when you checked into your room you didn't find it strangely warm, with an odd smell and then discover the source of the odd smell was a very roughly used toilet.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Did that happen to you guys in Michigan? Over all I was pleased with this hotel, I just found parts of it to be very humorworthy.

Kris said...

Yep, at a Radisson none the less. Thankfully we were quickly switched to a new room