Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy FeBRUary!

Wow, February 3rd already and I still haven't posted a single time in Twenty Ten. There is a very good reason for that. In anticipation of my suspected unemployment we have been prepping our town home for rental. Where are we going to live if we rent out our home? In the in-laws basement! Now I know that living with the in-laws has a certain negative connotation to it, but I don't think it's going to be so bad. I was lucky enough to marry a gal with great parents. I get along with them well and I believe they will respect our privacy. They have a roomy lower level and we should be able to spread out pretty well.

Since ringing in the New Year I have spent countless hours packing up our nonessentials and getting them over to a storage locker. It's amazing how we are still able to function normally when three quarters or our stuff is inaccessible. When we finally purchase a new home, I think we may simplify things a bit. However, despite all the packing, all of my homebrew equipment remains on site.

So about this unemployment I mentioned earlier. I work in the retirement trust industry and my one and only (very large) client decided to take their business to another bank leaving me and another fellow high and dry. The deconversion was an eight month process and upon completion I was expecting a pink slip. Of course also during this time I was enrolled in the Craft Brewers program with the American Brewers Guild. Hoping to make a career change soon a pink slip would be almost welcoming. As it turns out I finally got the news on January 21st. We got a one month notice and my last day in the corporate world will be February 19th.

What's next? Well as a student at the Guild I was to do an internship upon completion of the course work. I lined up the internship with Summit Brewing Company right here in the Twin Cities. Summit has been very flexible with me and very patient as I waited for my current job situation to play out. I will begin my four month internship with them on February 22nd. It is an unpaid internship but as luck would have it, I am receiving four months of severance from my current employer. Talk about luck!

After the internship with Summit I will be looking for a job in the brewing industry. Perhaps there will be a position at Summit? That would be ideal, but I have to remain realistic. Summit is a great company to work for and has very little turnover. Open positions are hard to come by. My wife and I are faced with the very real possibility of having to move out of state to find work. This is why we are getting the town home rented now (or soon) so we don't have to worry about that if we suddenly have to move across the country. While we'd both love to stay close to our families, I think we'd both welcome an adventure as well.

I apologize for being blog-absent for so long. It has been a ton of work not only packing up our entire home but also bringing it up to good renting condition. Now that I have much of the pre-rental paperwork out of the way I will try to post more frequently. And being that we are in the only month of the year with the word Bru in it, I think that makes it all the more important.




Anonymous said...

IT would be choice if you got to work at Summit. Either way no matter what I hope everything works out for you.

Unknown said...

Hey Stu, now you and I can hang out on Saturdays when you're giving tours.

Kris said...

Very exciting news! And plenty of reason for having been absent for some time. Hopefully during your internship you'll have time to keep us posted on how it's going.

Dank brewer said...
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Dank brewer said...

Good luck man. That's quite the transition your about to go through, to the in-laws house I mean.

Now, getting paid to do an unpaid internship at a world class brewery...priceless. That's a career transition I could handle! Congrats and kudos.

beckel said...

It's a fun world out there full of experiences. The whole packing situation is one that surely shows us how little we truly need in life, and it shows where your intentions really lie, so I particularly enjoy the fact you haven't stored away your brewing equipment yet. I'm sure everything will work out dandy and it doesn't hurt to be proactive as you certainly are. Good luck with the internship and future endeavors. I'm sure I'll heckle you soon enough. You gonna make it to the chili cook off?